The institution has been continuously playing an important role in shaping the career of young students of Bihar. Now, the world around us is changing very fast. Globalization and increasing diversity in needs has generated an enhanced demand for competitive skills. The technology has expanded beyond our imagination in the past three decades. In the present day, Technical Education has become borderless which promotes virtual, interactive and collaborative learning. We should be prepared to face the world and compete with the quality of technical education in Global arena. Technical Education enables our students to play more effective role in global knowledge economy and global job markets. Technical Education is going to remain the topmost preferred career in India and abroad in coming days. WTO mandate under general agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), Technical education is treated as globally tradable services. Thus, it is linked with global supply chain link of employment resulting in fair and equitable treatment to all our engineers on principle of non – discrimination.
India has become the permanent signatory of the Washington Accord on 13th June 2014. The membership of Washington Accord is an international recognition of the quality of undergraduate engineering education offered by the member country and is an avenue to bring it into the world class category. It encourages and facilitates the mobility of engineering graduates and professional at International level. In response to Washington Accord, the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) has been setup by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) for the recognition of the Technical education programme. It is the time to prepare ourselves and make strategy to compete with the changing world and Technology with innovative ideas to transform GEC Jehanabad as NBA accredited Institution at the earliest.
With Regards,
Dr. Dwarka Das Neema
Email: [email protected]